Company Profile
About Us

Shougang Century Holdings Limited ("Shougang Century"; together with its subsidiaries, collectively the "Group") has been listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited since April 1992. Shougang Group Co., Ltd. and its controlled corporations, NV Bekaert SA and Li Ka Shing Foundation Limited are the substantial shareholders of Shougang Century.

The Group is primarily involved in the following activities:

  • manufacturing of steel cords for radial tyres
  • manufacturing of sawing wires and hose wires

Corporate Goals

  • create an influential "Eastern" brand recognition in steel cord industry based on the principles of integrity, pragmatism and efficiency
  • gradually become an enterprise commanding an annual manufacturing capacity in excess of 300,000 tonnes of high-quality steel cords
  • become one of the three major manufacturers of steel cord industry in China

Please click here to view Shougang Century Corporate Video.

Company Profile
Company Profile